Why choose DaDesktop over Strigo?

Strigo offers complex drop-in infrastructure support but falls short on cost, speed and a lack of nested virtualisation, ie being able to run VMs within the VM in the application. Nested virtualisation is particularly useful when providing teaching on server applications such as Kubernetes and Docker to provide a full 'end to end' testbed.

DaDesktop, on the other hand, provides a cost effective, high performance solution, exceptionally fast nested virtualisation built-in by default, with a simpler user interface, an on-site option with a vastly higher number of datacentres available to provide far superior connection latency thus ensuring a smooth, powerful, exceptionally responsive learning experience every time.

DaDesktop is also a full, ready to go solution, wheras Strigo is a drop in product, which may require complex configuration to be integrated within another LMS system thus potentially causing issues with firewalls by clients.

Finally, for customers who require an on prem option where the application can be hosted by themselves for accountability and security concerns; DaDesktop fully supports this, whereas Strigo is a API hosted platform only, and it appears cannot be used on prem in this way.

  DaDesktop Strigo
Cost 1x 10x
Speed 10x 1x
Nested Virt By default, fast n/a
On premises option Yes n/a